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GOUTA marokkansk tæppe Beni Ouarain Hvid og Pink | 9'51x6'46 Ft | 290x197 cm | 100% uld håndlavet

GOUTA marokkansk tæppe Beni Ouarain Hvid og Pink | 9'51x6'46 Ft | 290x197 cm | 100% uld håndlavet

Normalpris 8.387,69 DKK
Normalpris 9.437,02 DKK Udsalgspris 8.387,69 DKK
11% OFF Udsolgt
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  • 100% håndlavet med kærlighed
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  • Human Support - Ingen AI

Free Shipping to United States

Order today, and you'll receive your rug between Mar 20 and Mar 25

OrderedMar 16

After you place the order, we will need 1-3 days to prepare the shipment

Rug Handed to DHLMar 17 - Mar 19

Orders will start to be shipped

DeliveredMar 20 - Mar 25

Estimated arrival date range:Mar 20 - Mar 25

  • Oprindelse : Mellem Atlasbjergene MAROKKO
  • Design : Berber
  • Materialer : Naturfarvet uld
  • Væve : bundet, spændt, snoet
  • Håndlavet 100 %
  • Dimensioner : 9'51x6'46 Ft | 290x197 cm
  • Forsendelse : gratis verdensomspændende forsendelse via DHL
  • Betaling : PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, Apple Pay, afdrag,  Bankoverførsel


Kun 1 tilgængelig unik model .

Klassikeren  Beni Ouarain , det bedste tæppe til alt interiør og alle designs.  Ait Ouaraïn  er lille, men berømt stamme i den østlige del af Taza by i  Mellem atlas , de bruger kun blød og tyk naturlig uld for at få det bedste  håndlavet gnist  til din plads. Farverne og stilene er inspireret af de sneklædte og Rocky Mountains i det midterste atlas.
Det er nu meget populært for den rene og minimalistiske stil, det tilbyder, og for dets æstetik og komfort.
Regionen af  Beni Ouarain  har meget lidt kontakt med omverdenen. Gennem en livsstil nærmest autarki har disse mennesker et meget stærkt forhold til deres traditioner og deres forfædres kultur. Beliggende i en bjergrig region, miljøet af  Beni Ouarain  har et koldt klima det meste af året. Som et resultat har disse stammer altid lavet  gigantiske tæpper  der fungerer som gulvbelægning i deres hjem og store telte. I dag er væverne af disse  Berber Beni Ouarain tæpper  har tilpasset deres produkter til mindre tæpper, så de passer til alle interiører. I denne region indtager væveren en central plads i stammelivet, for de fleste af dem er det den eneste indtægtskilde. I dag giver tæppevævningen kvinder stolthed og værdighed i et patriarkalsk samfund.

Du landede ikke her tilfældigt! Det er den perfekte beskrivelse nogensinde. Tag dig tid til at læse vigtige fakta om vores butik og de varer, vi sælger.

Du køber!! dette er det eneste og unikke stykke.

Vi laver skræddersyede tæpper, der passer til alles behov. Vi laver skræddersyede designs og tæpper af enhver størrelse eller farve efter anmodning.
De billeder, vi viser, har den mest nøjagtige farve som muligt. På grund af forskelle i computerskærme, kan vi ikke være ansvarlige for variationer i farve mellem det faktiske produkt og din skærm. Vær opmærksom på, at i nogle tilfælde kan mønstre og farver variere alt efter størrelse. Længder og bredder kan variere fra de offentliggjorte mål. Vi gør vores bedste for at give dig en nøjagtig måling, men vær opmærksom på, at der er en vis variation, og dette er ikke en fabrikationsfejl.
Vi vil gå den ekstra mil for at sikre, at du virkelig er det tilfreds !

Vores butik tilbyder engrospriser med din ordre på 5 tæpper eller mere. Spørg venligst indenfor for detaljer.

    9'51x6'46 Ft | 290x197 cm

    100% naturlig uld

    Efter du har afgivet din ordre, klargør vi tæppet til forsendelse inden for 1-3 dage. Vi afleverer det derefter til DHL, og du vil modtage sporingsnummeret på e-mail. Forsendelse tager normalt:

    • 3-5 hverdage til USA.
    • 5-7 hverdage til Australien, Canada og New Zealand.
    • 2-4 hverdage til Storbritannien og Europa.

    For mere information, besøg venligst vores Forsendelsespolitik .

    For marokkanske uldtæpper anbefales det at bruge et vakuum uden piskeris højst fire gange om måneden. Uldfibre er sarte og kan let fældes under hård behandling. For detaljerede plejeinstruktioner, besøg venligst vores Rengøringsvejledning side.

    Ja , vi tager imod tilpassede bestillinger på dette tæppe. Kontakt os venligst på e-mail påcontact@ounizz.com for at få et tilbud og mere information om tilpassede ordrer. Eller klik her for at kontakte os.

    Ingen, vi bruger ingen kemikalier i vores tæpper. De vaskes flere gange, før de når dig for at sikre, at de er rene og sikre.

    Ingen, sæt det ikke i en vaskemaskine eller tørretumbler. Vi anbefaler kun pletrengøring eller brug af professionelle tæpperensere.

    Ingen, forsendelse er gratis i hele verden.

    • USA: Nej, du skal ikke betale importafgifter.
    • Australien: Nej, medmindre værdien af ​​tæppet overstiger $3000 AUD.
    • Storbritannien, Canada, Europa: Ja, du skal muligvis betale importafgifter. Har du brug for et overslag, så kontakt os venligst. DHL sender dig et link til deres hjemmeside for at betale importafgifterne, og de leverer tæppet til din dør problemfrit.
    OunizZ | Brand Story
    Although OunizZ was launched in Marrakech at the end of 2019, our story goes back millennia to when the first Berber rugs were created in the 7th century. Drawing on the romance of history, traditional craftsmanship, and a commitment to creating an equitable future for the women who weave Moroccan rugs, OunizZ was created to share the story of Morocco with the world.
    With a focus on empowerment, sustainability, and heritage, we’re committed to stocking ethically-made fair trade rugs woven from cruelty-free sheep’s wool. In addition, our highly-skilled weavers have over four decades of experience in handwoven textiles, representing ancient wisdom passed down by generations of powerful women.
    OunizZ is a story of love—for Morocco, her traditions, and her people—written by our founders for the country they hold dear. Each of our rugs is custom-created to tell a unique story about our history, heritage, and land. This is ours.
    Celebrate Morrocco’s Rich History
    OunizZ founders, Sonia and Oussama, share a deep love for beauty and nature, both of which are abundant in Morocco. From snow-capped mountains and untouched deserts, to pristine beaches and ephemeral wetlands, OunizZ is on a mission to share the country’s hidden gems through exceptionally crafted Moroccan rugs, Beni Ourain rugs, and Boujaad rugs.
    Sonia was working in the hospitality industry when the pandemic swept the world. The thousands of travelers who journeyed to Morocco each year were unable to buy the one-of-a-kind handmade items that enriched the local economy, while weavers (some of them Sonia’s family members) were unable to sell their textiles and put food on their tables.
    When Sonia lost her hospitality job, she realized she could uplift hundreds of women, returning their financial independence and ability to practice the craft they had honed over decades. She and her husband Oussama founded OunizZ with the vision of transforming the industry and exporting Moroccan rugs to the world and, within a year, the company grew into the largest exporter of rugs in the country.
    Bringing Transparency to the Moroccan Textile Industry
    While Moroccan rugs have grown in demand over the past few decades, the art form has been under threat. This is because the overwhelming majority of companies selling Moroccan rugs online are not the makers—instead, they are intermediaries who buy rugs at low prices.
    Moroccan rugs are traditionally made in rural areas with little access to education and employment. Many of these weavers do not know the market value of the rugs they create. As a result, the women who create Moroccan rugs become invisible in the industry, seldom benefitting from their sales and rarely making enough to sustain their families.
    At OunizZ, we don’t—and never will—source rugs through intermediaries. Instead, we work directly with weavers to ensure they are paid fairly. Our Moroccan rugs, Beni Ourain rugs, and Boujaad rugs are custom-made for OunizZ, and crafted in our weavers' own homes, where they work with their mothers, sisters, and daughters. This empowers them to pass on generational wisdom while working at their own rhythm and caring for their families and communities.
    Welcome the Spirit of Morocco to Your Home
    Beyond our commitment to creating an equitable industry that champions economic security and uplifts the custodians of the tradition, we believe that Moroccan rugs are an ode to the country’s rich history. We see it as our duty to protect and share it with the world.
    Our Moroccan rugs are available in countless sizes, colors, and patterns, each informed by the areas in which they are woven. From the thick shag rugs created in colder regions to the flatweave rugs originally crafted by nomadic tribes, each Moroccan rug tells a unique story about geography, heritage, and the weavers’ artistic expression.
    Whether you want to make a bold statement with a bright Moroccan rug or complement your space with a handwoven neutral rug, shop the OunizZ range of ethically-made fair trade Boujaad rugs, Beni Mrirt rugs, Beni Ouarian rugs, Azilal rugs, and vintage rugs for long-lasting works of art that elevate any space.
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